A board baseball game to teach the sport to spectators

Copyright © Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Development: https://github.com/CraneSoftwrights/board-baseball
Tip jar: https://paypal.me/CraneSoftwrights
Browser pages: https://cranesoftwrights.github.io/board-baseball/README.md.html


Rules, resources, and instructions (see the bottom of this page regarding adding a new language):

Print images (click the image then use the download icon at top right beside the pencil):

Extended-mode play surface print image:
Extended board
Basic-mode play surface print image:
Basic board
SBF Single board front surface print image:
Single board front
SBB Single board back surface print image:
Single board back
Scorecard print image:

Adding additional language support

To add support for another language, copy the en/ directory and translate each of the files without changing the file names. Then modify this file and the README.md file found in each of the subdirectories with a language entry to point to the appropriate file in the new directory. New language files are not to be added in any of the existing subdirectories, only the introduced language-specific directory.