Copyright © Crane Softwrights Ltd.
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In addition to contrived abbreviations where none were found, this page lists abbreviations found at these web sites:
0 - ⓪ - DH - designated hitter (Unknown)
1 - ① - P - pitcher (Tomorrow)
2 - ② - C - catcher (Today)
3 - ③ - 1B - first base (Who)
4 - ④ - 2B - second base (What)
5 - ⑤ - 3B - third base (I Don’t Know)
6 - ⑥ - SS - shortstop (I Don’t Give A Darn)
7 - ⑦ - LF - left fielder (Why)
8 - ⑧ - CF - center fielder (Because)
9 - ⑨ - RF - right fielder (Unknown)
HP - home plate
IF - infield
OF - outfield
(not all of these are included in the game play)
# - # - # - player sequence for put out
AB - at bats
BB - walk (base on balls)
BK - balk
BS - bunt single
C - catcher
CF - center fielder
CS - caught stealing
D ═ - double
DH = designated hitter
DP - double play
E# - error
ER - earned run
F - foul ball (strike 1 or strike 2)
F# - fly out
FC - fielder’s choice
FO - force out
FT - foul tip
GIDP - ground into double play
GRD/AD - ground rule double / automatic double
GRT/RBT - ground rule triple / rule book triple
H - (batting) hit
H - (pitching) hold
HB - hit batter
HBP - hit by pitch
HP - home plate
HR 𝄙 - home run
IBB - intentional walk
IF - infield
INF - infield fly out
IP - innings pitched: #, #.1, #.2, #+, #.1+, #.2+
K - strike out swinging
ꓘ - strike out looking
L - loss
L# - line drive out
LF - left fielder
LOB - left on base
LRS - left/right/switch hitter
OF - outfield
P - pitcher
P# - pop out
PB - passed ball
PK - picked off
PH - pinch hit
R - run
RBI - run batted in
RF - right fielder
S - (pitching) save
S ― - (batting) single
SB - (running) stolen base
SB - (batting) sacrifice bunt
SF - sacrifice fly
SK - strike swinging
Sꓘ - strike looking
SO - strike out
SS - shortstop
T ≡ - triple
TBF - total batters faced
TP - triple play
#U - unassisted put out
#UDP - unassisted double play
#UTP - unassisted triple play
W - win
W/H/S/L - win, hold, save, loss
WP - wild pitch
WP/PB - wild pitch / passed ball